Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Duds

Here's our very own "Dinosaur Santa" to wish you a Merry Christmas.

The boys were dressed to the 9's for church this Sunday...

...but not totally thrilled with the picture taking.

Friday, December 14, 2007


Happy Birthday to our December Birthdays!

Caroline - 15th
Matt - 26th

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hunter on Orca Live

Hunter was selected to read a story he wrote on his elementary TV show. It's fun to watch him play with the camera and his other antics.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Welsh "Fauxhaaaaaaaaaawwwwwks"

See our blog for other pics

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Engineering according to Dwight

Dwight helping Michael calculate where to put a trampoline to break his fall for his fake suicide. I think I'll start using the Mississippi system.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Welcome to the New Millenium!!

Hey y'all! I have finally entered the new millenium! I have high speed internet!! Yahoo! Now I might actually be able to actively participate in this blog. With my trusty old dial-up it took something like 10 minutes to load each page. And now I'll even be able to watch the little videos y'all put up...maybe even put one of my own on! Anyway, it was great to see you guys over thanksgiving. Those visits always go way to fast and leave me wanting more (I think that's probably a good thing:). We hope you see you guys in Vegas sometime soon! Love ya! I'm posting a picture, just because I can.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Halloween was fun this year. We all met at Grandma and Grandpas for pizza and trick-or-treating. The kids dressed up so cute. Grant was Mickey Mouse and a cow later on, Aly dressed up as "Princess Eutopia Magic of the Rainbow Fairy", and Lil was a Lady-Bug. Lily went door to door with her cousins and Steve ate any treats that Lillian was handed. I think her favorite part of the night was playing with her cousins. Lillian had dressed up for the 3 nights in a row and we were relieved to finally retire the tights and costume. Steve and I also dressed up for Halloween with the help of raiding Mom and Dad's costume box. Wig's can transform any costume and I was tickled to find that Mom had plenty that she used to actually wear at one point or another. I was so amused to hear that wigs were fashionable at one point. Come to find out, the next day while talking to my friend, she confided to me that she has a real wig of her own that she wears to work on days that she doesn't want to fix her hair. HA! Needless to see it was a fun holiday... and enlightening too.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Happy Birthday to our November Birthdays!

Lilly on the 3rd (Sorry belated!)
Amy on the 7th (Today!!!)
And Marcus & Ella on the 9th (Terrific/Terrible Twos times Two)

And why did I decide to do this just for November birthdays and not for the other months? Well, because I just thought of it. Hopefully it will be a new trend. :)

Monday, November 5, 2007

Smiley Aiden

Sunday, November 4, 2007

A Key Halloween

Here's some pics of our Halloween fun. Enjoy! Check out our blog for more stuff.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Halloween Costumes

Why is it so hard to put together adult Halloween Costumes? It seems like my creative juices used to flow much better...I am seriously struggling to come up with something this year that Steve and I can just throw together. I have to dress up for a booth that I am doing at our wards Trunk or Treat and then our friends are throwing a Costume Party. Help!!! Does anybody have any ideas they have seen or done themselves??? I am up for anything that can be whipped up!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Hi Family! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Lillian is going to be a lady bug this year. It's her first Halloween and though she doesn't know what's going on, it will be fun to dress her up. I have decided to post in order to coral everybody back into our blog! We have displayed a pathetic attempt of keeping in blogging contact with each other. I have decided to exert myself in order to motivate everybody. I seriously check the blog a few times a week and am so sad when there are no new postings. It was so fun to read Kari's today and it gave me the umph that I needed to make one myself. Nothing too great is going on here in Bountiful. Conference this last weekend was so fun and just what we needed to pick us up a bit. Steve is studying for another block of 6 tests this Monday. I told him about Dave and Caroline going to LV this weekend to see the game there and he said if it wasn't test week he would drop it all and go down too. I wish tests were more often on Friday and not Monday. Then he could have all weekend available to play with NO HOMEWORK. When he has tests on Monday he sometimes has classes the same afternoon as all his tests and gets no free time off. YUCK! Lillian is great. She is seriously amazing and has started to really imitate and pick up on things so quickly. She can kiss, blow kisses, patty-cake, sometimes she'll moo, roar like a Lion, and she makes the cutest noises. I think being her mom is the best thing. Especially when she takes long naps (like she's doing right now). Keep us in touch with what's going on with all of ya'll!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Latest Aiden Pics

Here are the latest pictures of Aiden. One is from the day of his blessing, in his cute clothes. The other I took just now to show how much he's grown.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

It's a Boy!

Here's some quick pictures of Aiden and the Family. Hope you enjoy them!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Summer Vacation, Plan B

Since Hurricane Dean decided to ruin our vacation plans, we opted to head for Californ-i-a.

Below is Chris feeding the dolphins at Seaworld, and left is us snorkeling in La Jolla.

Chris also found out that his hands are the exact same size as Matt Damon's! Oh the random things you learn in Hollywood.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Belly Watch

I've had a lot of requests for pictures of my amazing belly. Just think, I still have a month to go! I may break some records.

Family Cruisin'

Here's some pics of our new minivan. It's a 2002 Chrysler Voyager. It's been quite a change from our civic; a lot more room and much higher. It only has 55k miles on it and we paid less for it than we paid for the civic 5 years ago. We're pretty happy about it. Matt's thrilled to drive the civic now because the toyota wagon lost it's air conditioning and ability to go in reverse about six months ago.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Oregon Trip!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Summer Lovin.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Name Ideas?

We are desparate for new name ideas. Nothing we've thought of seems to fit. Please feel free to give as many name suggestions as you can think of, we could really use the help.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

HAPPY 4th of July!

Hope you had fun!

Sunday, July 1, 2007


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Canada Day is Coming Up!

Don't forget this Sunday is Canada Day! (Equal to America's Independence Day) It's important to celebrate for those of you who are Canadian through and through (Matt), half+ Canadian (like our kids), or one fourth Canadian (if you are a Welsh, did you know Nanny Margaret was Canadian?!). Get out your fireworks, practice singing Oh Canada!, and say "Eh!" all day long. Maybe just watch Strange Brew for good measure.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

It's Time to Move!

Hurray! We sold our house! We accepted an offer to buy our house on Monday night! They want to close by July 10. So, we are trying to move our date up to July 3. Oh, dear! That is less than two weeks away! Time to get packin'!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Our Blog

Our other website's free trial expired and since this blog thing is free we decided to sign up. Please visit our blog at:

Could you also change the link on the right to link to our blog instead? Thanks a bunch!


Hello All! I am just announcing that I just finished my LAST college final of my LAST college course! Chris also finishes his Spring Term finals tomorrow, so we are both jumping for joy! I also landed a "Grown up job" interview with a clinic for troubled girls as a therapist assistant this Friday, so yay for finally hitting reality!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

School is Out

So, we all need to work on posting more, so I figured that I would post even though our camera is broken and I don't have any recent pics.

Hunter finished school this week and he's already missing it a lot. When we were talking about it last week he said, "Mom, if I don't go to school anymore how will I learn?!" And then he told me that his teacher had started to cry when she was talking to the kids about it. Hunter's eyes were wide and he started to repeatedly bite his lip, which is his tell-tale sign that he's about to cry. And being the sensitive, pregnant mother that I am, I started to cry with him. Then we both started to laugh.

So I've been on a mission this week to make sure that he is thoroughly engaged at all times. We drew up a daily schedule and planned daily activities for him to look forward to. We also signed him up for the library summer reading program. It's actually turned out to be one of the busiest weeks we've had and both Hunter and Devan have loved it. I've found a ton of printables for school time and Hunter's already read five books this week.

Matt and I are both doing well and life is moving along for us. My doctor said I can return to normal activity and that's been very nice. We plan on buying a mini-van this summer to make room for our little one, so any pointers are welcome. We also still have not decided on a name, so any suggestions are welcome. Just don't be offended if we don't use it! :)

So I challenge all of you to post too, even if it's really short. We'd love to hear that you are still alive.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

We Have a New House!

So...we made an offer on a house this week. was accepted!!!! Yeah!!! It is a beautiful house in a beautiful neighborhood. We are so ex-
cited! This house dropped its price by a huge amount, so we jumped on it! Oh, dear. We still have to sell ours! Anyway, we are scheduled to close in the middle of July. Moving in the middle of the summer in Vegas. Can't get much better than that!

Love you guys!


Friday, June 8, 2007

Waz Up?

Hey family friends!

Our blog has been quiet for a while now. So, I was just curious to know what's goin' on with everyone. Reply and give a brief update to "Waz UP!."

Here is our quick update: We made an offer on a house this week! We'll hopefully find out tomorrow (Friday). We have not sold our house yet. Yikes! But, if this offer goes through then will drop the price way down and it should move really fast.

Hope all is well!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Just for Fun

I keep meaning to post a million different things, but just can't seem to get around to it these days. Devan has been wanting to use the potty for quite a while now. It's strange to have a child initiate potty training. So he's been on the potty for chunks of time with no success yet. However, when I left him sitting on the potty by himself the other day I came back to discover that he'd made himself quite comfortable. I laughed pretty hard and grabbed my camera(see the pic, I promise I didn't pose him this is how I found him). Like father like son.

Hunter participated in the local pedal and dash race a couple of weeks ago. They had them run to their bikes, bike around the stadium, and then run again to the finish line. When they were running to their bikes Hunter fell and scraped up his elbow, but got right up and kept going. I didn't even know that he was hurt until he finished. He got a ribbon for participating. He's going to be a great athlete someday. He really puts everything he has into his racing even though he's usually ends up being in the last of the pack.

Finally, there is a picture of my ever growing belly. I'm
getting pretty excited about the baby coming and it's been fun to feel it somersault and hicup. Hunter spends a great deal of time listening to my belly and giving it hugs. It's very sweet.

Friday, May 11, 2007


Hey everyone!

I just got done with a grueling week of test and I wanted to do something that doesn't take too much brain power. So I decided to blog.:) Here are some pictures of Bud and I at Kurt Webb's Bachelor party. We had a great time shoot'n all kinds of guns. It was pure Man-fun. Lily has discovered her feet in the last month. this is a fun picture of her enjoying them.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Beach House Rescheduling

So we found out that the beach house was double-booked for June 22nd and 23rd. So we are trying to figure out if we can reschedule for a different time.

The beach house is available for the following dates:

June 24th through July 2nd (Sunday through a Monday, any time within this time period)

July 6th through the 9th (Friday to Monday)

Let me know as soon as you can what dates would work for you.

If we are unable to work out going during these dates we could look into other options for the original dates. Or, we can always hang out in Portland instead and just drive out to the beach for a day. Let me know your thoughts.

I will be calling people later tonight, but if you respond before then that would be great.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

BYU Graduation

Hello all! Just wanted to put some picts up from Graduation.. We went to both the Dick Cheney commencement, and the Ralph Nader alternative commencement. Cheney avoided speaking about political issues, and there are rumors that he used an already given speech from 2005 and added some opening remarks about BYU. Nader had many interesting ideas. Jack Healy (amnesty international) and Pete Ashdown also gave good speeches. We watched KSL News to see what they had said about the Nader commencement, and there was a shot of ME watching Nader speak! It is only for a brief second, but it was very exciting. Try to catch the brief shot of my profile at this link You can only watch the link while using Internet Explorer however.
After the Nader commencement, I got his new book and had him sign it while my Dad made me shake his hand for an awkwardly long amount of time while he took a picture. I especially like the background body guard guy who also posed for the picture. Above to the left is me with the BYU Cougar, and Chris and I in shades (Chris wearing my Dad's embarassing fitovers). Good times.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Yeah! Our house is finally for sale. A MAJOR life accomplishment for me! If you want to check it out see
Please feel free to refer any potential buyers :).

Lots of love,


Sunday, April 15, 2007

We got the Beach House

Everyone is welcome to come and stay for as long as they would like to during that time. It is a 3 story house that is on the cliffs near the beach. There are four bedrooms (1 King, 2 Queens, and 2 Bunkbeds) and three bathrooms, a washer/dryer, full kitchen, dining room, living room, home theater room, pool table, and a sleeper couch. We'll have more than enough room for the whole family.

So let me know as soon as you can if you plan on coming and when. Lincoln City is about a two hour drive from Portland.

We're so excited!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Doesn't anybody think this is cool . . .?

This is a pretty cool video.

Friday, April 13, 2007


Since we don't have children of our own, we thought it would be fun to put some pictures of other peoples children! :) Chris and I got to go to the Thanksgiving Point Easter Egg hunt with Grant and Ally recently and wanted to show how much

fun we had! Just above is a picture of Ally with her basket full of candy, and one crushed plastic egg (due to the fact that we couldn’t seem to out run the 4 to 9 year old stampede of children). Above is a picture of Ally tracing ‘uncle bud’ in chalk, and to the left is Ally focusing on her masterpiece, and Grant apparently balancing a hula hoop. The hunt was fun, the day was beautiful and we all had a grand old time.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Noah's Ark

This is a funny Bill Cosby video

Monday, April 9, 2007


We had our ultrasound today. Here's a link to our new website with the pictures (look under the "Blog" link):
Feel free to look around at the other pictures on the site.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Fun in Oregon

Just thought I would post a couple of pics for this week. The first one is of Hunter as an astronaut. He made the helmet himself and came upstairs to show me. The second one is of Hunter picking Devan up after playing ring-around-the-rosie.

Hunter started playing with a baseball league this week. I'll have to send a picture with him in his uniform. He's still trying to understand the basics of the game a bit. The coach has to remind him that after he hits the ball he needs to run to first base instead of going after the ball. Devan and Hunter went to a ward easter egg hunt today and had lots of fun. Devan was still looking in the bushes for about fifteen mintues after the eggs were all gone.

I go for my ultrasound on monday so we will post pictures and let you know what we are having.

I talked to my sister-in-law about the possibility of getting a beach house in June for us. She said that she will ask, but I think we need to move fast if we're going to do it. The house that would be available has four bedrooms with a hide-a-bed couch downstairs, full kitchen, washer & dryer, home theater room, and pool table. It sits on the cliffs in Lincoln City overlooking the ocean and would cost $100 a night with a $125 cleaning fee (pretty cheap for the quality and size). So let's try to nail our plans down quickly so we don't miss out!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Ski Trip

Not only does Amanda now teach Aerobics, she is also a ski instructor on the side.

Monday, March 26, 2007

The Last One!

So, here I am finally the last one to join the blog! Well better late than never I guess. We are all doing much better after being quite ill for a couple of weeks. Matt and Devan's pink eyes are no longer contagious, I'm finally able to breathe and function after receiving antibiotics for one of the worst sinus infections I think I've ever had, and Hunter is just happy he gets to leave the house once in a while now.

Matt finished his finals amidst our plagues and epidemics and did quite well. He is starting a new quarter next week and we are enjoying having him around.

My belly has grown to new proportions and we are going to have the ultrasound in two weeks. My birthday celebrations have been postponed until this weekend because of the sickness. Thank you to everyone for your calls and birthday wishes.

Here's a few pics of us. Love you all and miss you terribly!!