Sunday, June 17, 2007

School is Out

So, we all need to work on posting more, so I figured that I would post even though our camera is broken and I don't have any recent pics.

Hunter finished school this week and he's already missing it a lot. When we were talking about it last week he said, "Mom, if I don't go to school anymore how will I learn?!" And then he told me that his teacher had started to cry when she was talking to the kids about it. Hunter's eyes were wide and he started to repeatedly bite his lip, which is his tell-tale sign that he's about to cry. And being the sensitive, pregnant mother that I am, I started to cry with him. Then we both started to laugh.

So I've been on a mission this week to make sure that he is thoroughly engaged at all times. We drew up a daily schedule and planned daily activities for him to look forward to. We also signed him up for the library summer reading program. It's actually turned out to be one of the busiest weeks we've had and both Hunter and Devan have loved it. I've found a ton of printables for school time and Hunter's already read five books this week.

Matt and I are both doing well and life is moving along for us. My doctor said I can return to normal activity and that's been very nice. We plan on buying a mini-van this summer to make room for our little one, so any pointers are welcome. We also still have not decided on a name, so any suggestions are welcome. Just don't be offended if we don't use it! :)

So I challenge all of you to post too, even if it's really short. We'd love to hear that you are still alive.


Katrina said...

Hey Kari,

Great to here you guys are keeping busy in these summer months. It gets crazy for us too, trying to think of different things to do.

About the minivan, I would study up on Consumer Reports and if you are buying a used van, I think there is a way to look VIN history to make sure that there has not been any major damage done to it.

Love you lots!
