Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Hi Family! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Lillian is going to be a lady bug this year. It's her first Halloween and though she doesn't know what's going on, it will be fun to dress her up. I have decided to post in order to coral everybody back into our blog! We have displayed a pathetic attempt of keeping in blogging contact with each other. I have decided to exert myself in order to motivate everybody. I seriously check the blog a few times a week and am so sad when there are no new postings. It was so fun to read Kari's today and it gave me the umph that I needed to make one myself. Nothing too great is going on here in Bountiful. Conference this last weekend was so fun and just what we needed to pick us up a bit. Steve is studying for another block of 6 tests this Monday. I told him about Dave and Caroline going to LV this weekend to see the game there and he said if it wasn't test week he would drop it all and go down too. I wish tests were more often on Friday and not Monday. Then he could have all weekend available to play with NO HOMEWORK. When he has tests on Monday he sometimes has classes the same afternoon as all his tests and gets no free time off. YUCK! Lillian is great. She is seriously amazing and has started to really imitate and pick up on things so quickly. She can kiss, blow kisses, patty-cake, sometimes she'll moo, roar like a Lion, and she makes the cutest noises. I think being her mom is the best thing. Especially when she takes long naps (like she's doing right now). Keep us in touch with what's going on with all of ya'll!!!


Kari said...

Thanks for the post. I totally agree with you about everyone needing to be better about posting. Maybe we should have a contest. Whoever posts the most from now until Thanksgiving gets a prize! Hee, hee...So let's see what you're made of Welsh Family. I'm calling you out!

Steve and Amanda said...

Your on Kari Key!