Friday, December 19, 2008

Just and Update

Hey family. Has it been a long time? Just wanted everybody to know what we are up to. We have a date to be induced on the 29th of December. It was either then or the second week of January when Steve is back in school so we are opting for December, even though I am struggling with the thought of a Birthday during this month.
We are gearing up for Christmas and can't wait to get together with everybody who will be around, and we'll be missing all of ya'll who won't be.
Lillian is terrific. This is a picture of her just 2 or 3 weeks ago. We have a lot of trees out front and therefore tons of leaf piles. It is snowing this afternoon and Lillian is so excited to get out and play in it. She really brings me delight especially when she pulls new phrases out of her vocabulary. My recent favorite is "It's perfect Mama". Steve's last test on pediatrics was today so we have 2 weeks off until he starts again. I can't wait to see more of him. I'm grateful that he works so hard for our family; he's had a busy week and has only seen Lillian twice. It will be nice to catch up with each other during Christmas.
We love you all!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Vegas Baby!

I am finally posting pics of the Vegas Trip! I had a great birthday weekend in Vegas with everyone.

Tuesday, my birthday, we on a very successful shopping trip and Trina made me a great cake.
It was a great getaway!

So Sad...

Isn't it so sad that we all are so busy that we can't even post on our family blog?! I miss hearing from you guys...No march madness trash talk (Steve you're the MM bomb!)...No posts from the Las Vegas mini reunion....Sooo sad. Come on! Calling on all Welshes. Show what you're made of!

Ok, so I haven't posted either, but I feel like I'm the only one doing it. We're all good, Aiden's getting two more teeth, making four. Devan's sick and told Hunter to "be patient" yesterday. Hunter is back at school after spring break, he got to pick an activity every day in leu of going on a trip that we couldn't afford. My work is busy as all get out and Matt has been dealing with two unrully birds trying to nest in our dryer vent.

What's up with you guys?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Unwanted Comments

Steve & Amanda,

There is an option under customize>settings>comments that allows you to specify that only members of this blog can put up comments. That will probably solve this problem we're having of people putting unwanted comments in here.


We had a rocket party for Hunter's Birthday on March 1st. It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun. We had nine kids come and Hunter loved it. There are some more pictures on our blog.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Food Network Extraordinaire!!

Hey All! Exciting news from the Kelly front - my Sister Anne is going to be on the Food Network! They (my Mom and Anne) filmed the show, "The Ultimate Recipe Showdown: Comfort Food" last August. Now it is finally airing Sunday March 2nd at 10:00pm. Click here to see a recent article about Anne's Food Network debut. So set your DVRs, 'cause this will be one exciting show!!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Snow Day

Here's some pics & video from our sledding day trip on president's day.

Friday, February 22, 2008

4th Street Triathlon

As Many of you already know I am Helping to plan the 8th Annual 4th Street Triathlon and would love your participation and/or support! The triathlon will benefit the 4th Street Clinic, a clinic that provides free primary health care to the homeless in Salt Lake. 100% of the money earned goes directly to the clinic or toward the cost of putting on the event. The more people involved the better!

For those of you who are nervous about doing a triathlon, don't be! This is a great triathlon to be your first. It is a "sprint" style, which means the distances of the swim, bike, and run are shorter (see below for details). If a whole triathlon just isn't your thing, there are other options as well. You can put a team together so that one person does each section, or you can simply run/walk in the 5K race. The atmosphere is very welcoming and fun-loving, and all are welcome and wanted! However, if you would rather not tackle this awesome physical challenge, your financial support is also encouraged. To register and/or donate please visit


Race Name 4th Street Clinic Triathlon and 5k

Race Date April 26, 2008

Description of Events:
- Individual Triathlon (300 yard swim, 8 mile MOUNTAIN bike, 5K run)- $35
- Team Triathlon (teams of 2-3 people, same course & distances as individual triathlon) $50/ team
- 5K Run/Walk (strollers permitted) $20


- 7:00am Check-in and Day-of Registration
- 9:00am Individual and Team Triathlon start
- 10:30am 5K Run/Walk start


  • U of U Campus, Salt Lake City, UT
  • HPER complex (adjacent to the Huntsman Center)


  • All participants will receive a T-shirt, Goodie Bag, and will be eligible for raffle prizes. Male and female overall and age group awards will be given (see website for details)


The 4th Street Clinic is an essential part of our community as it provides free healthcare to those who cannot afford medical treatment. This clinic depends on volunteers, as well as financial support from benefit events such as this triathlon. All proceeds from this event are donated to the 4th Street Clinic. (to find out more about the clinic visit

For More Info and to register:

Make sure you say you were referred by and MS2 on the registration form!

Thank you for your time and interest in this great community event! Happy training!



Don't think you can do a whole Sprint triathlon (300 yard swim or 6 laps, 8 mile MOUNTAIN bike, 5K run)? Do it as a team.

Can't find anyone to be on your team? Run or walk the 5K

Busy on April 26th? Donate directly to the 4th Street clinic online @

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Hey Everyone!! Just wanted to wish ya'll a Happy V-Day!! To quote one of my favorite musicals, Les Miserables, "To Love another person is to see te face of God." And here is one of my favorite Mother Teresa pieces of wisdom:

"Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor... Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting."

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What a cutie!!!

Just wanted to post the latest pics of Aiden and write an update: Hunter is taking an after school Karate class and doing well. He's also doing a project for the school science fair, which has changed his future career aspiration from an astronaut to a scientist. Devan is busy with potty training, mostly because there is candy and chocolate involved if he participates. Aiden has grown into the 12 month size of clothes. I am amazed and frustrated at the same time because I just bought a bunch of new clothes in the 9 month size. I keep thinking that he is going to slow down. I need to remember not to underestimate him.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Does somebody have a master list with everybodys birthday on it? Would they mind posting it on the blog so that I can see it?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ode to DI

I spent Wednesday night with my Sister-in-law in Provo. Her husband, my brother, is at a conference out of town; my husband, Steve, is studying for pulmonary block finals. Lisa and I thought we'd keep each other company. We spent the night watching Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey on Masterpiece theatre(seriously entertaining-I really liked the casting for the heroine and her counterpart). The next morning we thought we'd end girls night with a trip to DI (YES!) to go treasure hunting. I love DI'ing with friends. We arrived a few minutes before they opened and were entertained by our fellow shoppers. I am glad that I had my camera on me.
10 minutes early: Parking lot is fairly full with lots of people sitting in their cars.
Not waiting for DI to open...surely!?!?!!!
5 minutes early: People get out of their cars and head for the doors. White car with trunk open (to collect loot as quickly as possible) is asked to please move from the fire lane in front of the store.
10:00 am: People rush the store.

We laughed so hard and walked in to find two employees standing guard by the entrance. We asked them if this was a typical morning. They told us that it was and that professional ebayers come early looking for treasures. WOW!
Don't think for a minute that I couldn't compete with those professional ebayers. I live for the competition. Look at the treasures I found at the Provo DI for $8 even. WAHOO!!! Why can't all stores price their merchandise so that your total comes up even? Hooray DI! I found the most delightful family room chairs this last week while going with my mom.
They were orange.
New Years Resolution: Learn to reupholster.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

New Glasses

Devan's glasses were lost sometime before christmas and we held out for a while hoping they would turn up. Finally, we gave in and bought him two new pairs of glasses. They had a great sale on them and they were not plastic frames like the lost pair. Wouldn't you know it, one week after we bought them, the old glasses turn up in the diaper bag. We looked in there numerous times. Oh well, he still likes his new glasses more and he looks pretty cute in them.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Unexpected Visitor

Looked out my window this morning and saw this Blue Heron in the wetlands. I love Oregon.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


January Birthdays:
Amanda - 5th
Dad - 19th

Monday, January 7, 2008

I'm Published...again.

I wrote an article that was published an industry publication. This is the second time I've written something for them, but this time I was given the full by line.

Here's the link to the Table of Contents:

Here's the link to the full article:

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Key New Year

Had a great new year. Here are some pics of the balloon boxing.

See our blog for more pictures.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Ringing in the New Year!!

The Kelly/Welsh/Ransom families ring in the New Year in fine fashion with plenty of fireworks and sparklers galore.