Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Canada Day is Coming Up!

Don't forget this Sunday is Canada Day! (Equal to America's Independence Day) It's important to celebrate for those of you who are Canadian through and through (Matt), half+ Canadian (like our kids), or one fourth Canadian (if you are a Welsh, did you know Nanny Margaret was Canadian?!). Get out your fireworks, practice singing Oh Canada!, and say "Eh!" all day long. Maybe just watch Strange Brew for good measure.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

It's Time to Move!

Hurray! We sold our house! We accepted an offer to buy our house on Monday night! They want to close by July 10. So, we are trying to move our date up to July 3. Oh, dear! That is less than two weeks away! Time to get packin'!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Our Blog

Our other website's free trial expired and since this blog thing is free we decided to sign up. Please visit our blog at:

Could you also change the link on the right to link to our blog instead? Thanks a bunch!


Hello All! I am just announcing that I just finished my LAST college final of my LAST college course! Chris also finishes his Spring Term finals tomorrow, so we are both jumping for joy! I also landed a "Grown up job" interview with a clinic for troubled girls as a therapist assistant this Friday, so yay for finally hitting reality!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

School is Out

So, we all need to work on posting more, so I figured that I would post even though our camera is broken and I don't have any recent pics.

Hunter finished school this week and he's already missing it a lot. When we were talking about it last week he said, "Mom, if I don't go to school anymore how will I learn?!" And then he told me that his teacher had started to cry when she was talking to the kids about it. Hunter's eyes were wide and he started to repeatedly bite his lip, which is his tell-tale sign that he's about to cry. And being the sensitive, pregnant mother that I am, I started to cry with him. Then we both started to laugh.

So I've been on a mission this week to make sure that he is thoroughly engaged at all times. We drew up a daily schedule and planned daily activities for him to look forward to. We also signed him up for the library summer reading program. It's actually turned out to be one of the busiest weeks we've had and both Hunter and Devan have loved it. I've found a ton of printables for school time and Hunter's already read five books this week.

Matt and I are both doing well and life is moving along for us. My doctor said I can return to normal activity and that's been very nice. We plan on buying a mini-van this summer to make room for our little one, so any pointers are welcome. We also still have not decided on a name, so any suggestions are welcome. Just don't be offended if we don't use it! :)

So I challenge all of you to post too, even if it's really short. We'd love to hear that you are still alive.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

We Have a New House!

So...we made an offer on a house this week. was accepted!!!! Yeah!!! It is a beautiful house in a beautiful neighborhood. We are so ex-
cited! This house dropped its price by a huge amount, so we jumped on it! Oh, dear. We still have to sell ours! Anyway, we are scheduled to close in the middle of July. Moving in the middle of the summer in Vegas. Can't get much better than that!

Love you guys!


Friday, June 8, 2007

Waz Up?

Hey family friends!

Our blog has been quiet for a while now. So, I was just curious to know what's goin' on with everyone. Reply and give a brief update to "Waz UP!."

Here is our quick update: We made an offer on a house this week! We'll hopefully find out tomorrow (Friday). We have not sold our house yet. Yikes! But, if this offer goes through then will drop the price way down and it should move really fast.

Hope all is well!