Monday, March 26, 2007

The Last One!

So, here I am finally the last one to join the blog! Well better late than never I guess. We are all doing much better after being quite ill for a couple of weeks. Matt and Devan's pink eyes are no longer contagious, I'm finally able to breathe and function after receiving antibiotics for one of the worst sinus infections I think I've ever had, and Hunter is just happy he gets to leave the house once in a while now.

Matt finished his finals amidst our plagues and epidemics and did quite well. He is starting a new quarter next week and we are enjoying having him around.

My belly has grown to new proportions and we are going to have the ultrasound in two weeks. My birthday celebrations have been postponed until this weekend because of the sickness. Thank you to everyone for your calls and birthday wishes.

Here's a few pics of us. Love you all and miss you terribly!!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Finals are Over

Hiya Kids:

This last week has been great for our family. Steve finished his second block finals!!! It was a great Friday in our household. He has one more school block before he has finished his first year of med school. Time Flies! I am ultra excited to see more of him this next week. He has really had to buckle down and has spent most all of his days and evenings for the last couple of weeks with his nose in the books. I am mostly looking forward to having time to chat other than when we are at the table for family dinner. He is extra wonderful and has already waken up a few times with Lily during the night. I LOVE SPRING BREAK! One week of sheer bliss. I have attached some pictures of Steve. The first is of his studying for his last final (pharmacology

), the second is of him imagining that testing is OVER and he doesn't have to study late into the night ever again this block. The third picture is of Lillian. She is practically perfect in my mind and it's hard to make a blog post without including at least one picture of her. She is the best baby and wants to be rolling over so badly right now...she has almost got it. I have had a good week too and taught my first aerobic class, which turned out to be okay. I have been eating, drinking, and sleeping aerobics of late. NOT FUN! Hopefully it becomes less stressful the more I do it. Steve treated me on Friday night and watched Lillian while me and some girlfriends went to the Hale Center Theatre and watched Little Women the musical. It was so much fun and it was free too! We are doing really well. Steve and I stayed up late one night this last week laughing our pants off while we read some jokes out of a magazine... I'll share my favorite...check the comments to see the answer.

If you enter a bathroom American and come out of the bathroom American....what are you when your in the bathroom.......

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Eric's Bracket

Eric's Bracket and score can be seen at the following links.

Eric's Bracket
Eric's Score

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Japanese Flash Mob

This is a pretty sweet video check it out. I laughed pretty hard.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Kate and Neil

My sis and new hubby had the best costumes of all. Matching and everything!

and more..

And the sparklers as they left. Check out the full wig. My dad was going for Captain Hook..pretty amazing.


My brother Matt went as V for Vendetta. Slightly creepy.

Kellys at large

By popular demand, I'll add more pictures of the extravaganza. Don't be afraid. And yes, my Dad in the back was going for Captain Hook.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


We've been meaning to share some pictures of my sister Kate's Masquerade Ball (opting not to have a traditional reception) back in here is part of the insanity! It was held in the Provo Courthouse, and was a big hit. We were surprised at how many people came in full gear! The shot below is a group of us getting some good old waltz lessons. My dress was a mix between the renaissance and the 80s. Chris was a hint of Robinhood, and though you can't tell- he is wearing Chacos. Oh the hilarity.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Hi Family!
Welcome to the Welsh Blog. This blog has been created to help us keep in touch with everybody. We want to see pictures, hear funny stories, and be updated on the latest news with the family. We have emailed each of you an invitation to register on this blog site. The invitation will come directly from blogger and not from us personally. Don't delete the email because it will have directions on how to register. I don't have Eric or Caroline's email they weren't sent and invitation, which means they won't be able to post. But, Steve and I registered together so he knows my email addess and password so we post as a family. You guys can all do that too. (It makes it easier) Does this make sense? It is super easy. When you register you can make comments on our blog and also post anything you want to. To register you need to have an email account and create a password for the blog. That's it ( the directions I emailed you will go into further detail)! If you guys have links to your own blog or family website...we can post those links on our blog so we can all have direct access to them from the family blog site. Cool huh! We expect everybody to do this...because we don't want to hear about everybody's stories from everybody else anymore---we want to hear it from you! My family started a blog because my brothers and sisters live all accross the nation...and the Welsh family isn't much different. Who knows where we'll all end up...but lets still be friends right! So don't hold back....BLOG AWAY!