Friday, December 19, 2008

Just and Update

Hey family. Has it been a long time? Just wanted everybody to know what we are up to. We have a date to be induced on the 29th of December. It was either then or the second week of January when Steve is back in school so we are opting for December, even though I am struggling with the thought of a Birthday during this month.
We are gearing up for Christmas and can't wait to get together with everybody who will be around, and we'll be missing all of ya'll who won't be.
Lillian is terrific. This is a picture of her just 2 or 3 weeks ago. We have a lot of trees out front and therefore tons of leaf piles. It is snowing this afternoon and Lillian is so excited to get out and play in it. She really brings me delight especially when she pulls new phrases out of her vocabulary. My recent favorite is "It's perfect Mama". Steve's last test on pediatrics was today so we have 2 weeks off until he starts again. I can't wait to see more of him. I'm grateful that he works so hard for our family; he's had a busy week and has only seen Lillian twice. It will be nice to catch up with each other during Christmas.
We love you all!!!