Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ode to DI

I spent Wednesday night with my Sister-in-law in Provo. Her husband, my brother, is at a conference out of town; my husband, Steve, is studying for pulmonary block finals. Lisa and I thought we'd keep each other company. We spent the night watching Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey on Masterpiece theatre(seriously entertaining-I really liked the casting for the heroine and her counterpart). The next morning we thought we'd end girls night with a trip to DI (YES!) to go treasure hunting. I love DI'ing with friends. We arrived a few minutes before they opened and were entertained by our fellow shoppers. I am glad that I had my camera on me.
10 minutes early: Parking lot is fairly full with lots of people sitting in their cars.
Not waiting for DI to open...surely!?!?!!!
5 minutes early: People get out of their cars and head for the doors. White car with trunk open (to collect loot as quickly as possible) is asked to please move from the fire lane in front of the store.
10:00 am: People rush the store.

We laughed so hard and walked in to find two employees standing guard by the entrance. We asked them if this was a typical morning. They told us that it was and that professional ebayers come early looking for treasures. WOW!
Don't think for a minute that I couldn't compete with those professional ebayers. I live for the competition. Look at the treasures I found at the Provo DI for $8 even. WAHOO!!! Why can't all stores price their merchandise so that your total comes up even? Hooray DI! I found the most delightful family room chairs this last week while going with my mom.
They were orange.
New Years Resolution: Learn to reupholster.


Kari said...

Wow! Who knew the secret life of the DI. Those shoes are sooo cute!

Katrina said...

Sweetness! Have you thought about a new career in e-baying? Sounds like a really great GIRLS weekend!